What are the main differences between the NBA and FIBA ​​rules

Beyond the power and influence of the NBA around the world, outside of the United States the sport is developed under FIBA ​​regulations. Review what their main differences are, detail by detail.

Beyond the power and prestige that the NBA has around the world, basketball outside the United States is developed under FIBA ​​regulations. The differences between this and that of the North American league were narrowing over the years, although there are still several that give the game its essence.

What are the main differences between the NBA and FIBA ​​rules

Game time

In the NBA they are disputed four quarters of 12 minutes each, while at FIBA ​​they are also four but 10 minutes. In the beginning, only two 20-minute halves were played at FIBA ​​but it was modified to favor the rest of the players. Meanwhile, the NBA is also studying reducing the number of minutes to protect the physiques of its protagonists.

Stoppage of play after a basket

In NBA it can be done in the last minute of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarters and, what’s more, in the last two minutes of the fourth quarter and in any additional time. For its part, at FIBA in the last two minutes of the fourth quarter and in any overtime.

Times requested

In the NBA, which changed this recently to give the game more dynamics, each team will have seven time-outs and two in overtime, approximately 75 seconds each. On the other hand, in FIFA they are two times in the first half of the game, three in the second and one for each overtime. All the downtimes last one minute and they must be requested by the coach. Time will be granted at the next stoppage of the match.

Malone nba

3 point line

In the NBA it is 7.24m (6.7m at the baseline), while at FIBA ​​it is at 6.75m (6.60 at baseline).

jump between

In the NBA, the team that wins the initial jump will also start with possession in the third quarter, while the loser will do the same in the second and last. All other jump situations between two players will be decided precisely with a jump between two. Secondly, the only time a jump is made in FIBA ​​is at the start of the match. In the rest of the cases they use the rule of alternation of possession. That is to say, if in the initial jump a team won the ball, the next time the possession will be for the rival.


Expulsion for fouls

To be sent off in the NBA a player must commit six personal fouls or two techniques. At FIBA, on the other hand, there are five fouls, whether personal or technical (committing two of this style will also be expelled).

Bonuses on free throws

In the NBA they are two free throws awarded for each foul after the fourth by team or from the second taken in the last two minutes. Whichever comes first and does not include technical or offensive fouls. Meanwhile, at FIBA ​​they are two free throws after the fourth foul and does include technical and offensive fouls, although these do not enable you to shoot in case of being the fifth.

Basket interference

In the NBA it is considered an imaginary cylinder that has the rim as its base. Touching the ball while any of its parts is in that circumference is a violation. At FIBA, once the ball hits the ring, any player can get hold of it.

Free throw violations

In the NBA, a violation by a shooter’s partner may invalidate an accurate shot at the hoop. At FIBA, only a violation committed by the shooter can invalidate it.

Basketball Olympic Games

Zone defense

In the NBA, the defensive player cannot stay in the restricted area for more than three seconds if he is not actively defending his opponent. For its part, at FIBA ​​it is totally legal.


Beyond the regulation being the same, it is often thought that at FIBA, which in 2017 accepted the famous “zero step”, they are much more strict in the movement of the players.

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