“We could be playing for three hours without scoring a goal”

BarcelonaGerard Piqué has been sincere after the Barça match at the Wanda Metropolitano, where he has suffered another defeat in the League. The center-back acknowledged that Barça would not have scored a goal for Atlético “even playing for three hours” and confessed the feeling of helplessness that both he and the other players have in the face of a “new” situation that they had not had. still lived in the club.

“They score goals with very little. It’s difficult. We are suffering, I’ll be honest. There is no choice but to keep fighting and working,” said the center, who has ironed out the discussion he has had with Sergio Busuqets after the first mattress goal, where they have reprimanded each other for not being well placed on the field. “There’s not just one problem. There’s more than one. You don’t have to be blind to see what we’re missing. We’re sure we’ll recover from this. These are difficult times. For many it’s the first time. The atmosphere is good in the locker room. We want to turn it around, “concluded the player, who has not taken a position on Laporta’s decision to trust Koeman. “That escapes us players, it’s the president’s thing.”

Koeman spoke with Laporta

In this sense, Koeman has thanked the words of the club’s president. “I talked to him yesterday and today (Friday and Saturday). We talked about the locker room, the squad, the club … Things have become clear. The message will help calm things down.” The coach, who emphasized that Barça had played “good phases” of the match against Atlético, regretted the “punctual errors” that the two goals against, meaning because they had already “talked about it before the match”. “.

For the Dutch coach, Barça’s game crisis “has a solution, but not from today to tomorrow”. “We have to give young people time. And think we will have players available (the injured) who will give them more options.”



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