VEF Rīga defeats Kalev / Cramo basketball players at the start of the Latvian-Estonian league. Highlights / Article

In the fight between the champions of both countries, “VEF Rīga” on Friday defeated “Kalev / Cramo” basketball players at home in the first game of the Latvian-Estonian basketball league with 86:84.

Kristers Zoriks scored 19 points for the winners, while Devondrik Volkers added 15 points. “Kalev / Cramo” was deviated by Devion Bary.

In the first half, “VEF Rīga” gained a 20-point lead, but in the second half of the game, the guests renewed their intrigue and reached a draw in the penultimate minute. In the decisive episodes, however, the hosts of the field played colder, starting the season with victory.

Fast action in the attack and accurate long shots helped VEF Riga to gain an eight-point lead in seven and a half minutes (24:16). In turn, the guests ‘attempts to attack from a distance after the VEF Rīga players’ retaliation were inaccurate and in the first break the owners of the field went with a nine-point lead (28:19).

Also in the continuation of the first half, the attacks of the Estonian team got stuck in the defense of the home team, while “VEF Rīga” gained the advantage in the quick attacks, after Ronald Curry’s shot from the bottom of the basket, reaching 42:22. Kalev / Cramo made 18 three-point shots at halftime, of which only four were hit. During the long break, “VEF Rīga” went with a 17-point lead (48:31).

Interview with Krister Zorik

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