Vaccination for Melbourne: Djokovic names “main problem” – sports mix

Novak Djokovic has recently commented on the mandatory vaccination at the Australian Open, which – from his point of view – called the “main problem”.

Daniel Andrews, the Prime Minister of the Australian state of Victoria, brushed aside all speculation on Thursday, making it clear that only vaccinated tennis professionals are allowed to compete in the first Grand Slam tournament in 2022. An exemption – such as a 14-day hotel quarantine – will not be granted.

This decision now has implications for several tennis stars. Above all Austria’s number one Dominic Thiem, who declared in mid-October that he was not vaccinated, and Djokovic.

Djokovic has to show his true colors

In the end, the Serb had always brushed aside questions about his vaccination status with the argument that this was a private matter. Now the world number one has to declare himself. If he starts in Australia, he reaches for the long-awaited 21st Grand Slam title, then it is clear that the 34-year-old Serb has been vaccinated. If the world number one does not compete, he lightly gives up a chance.

Quarantine as the “main problem”

In an interview with the Serbian newspaper “Blic”, Djokovic spoke again about the vaccination issue and brought a new argument into play. “The main problem is that you have to stay in your hotel room for 14 days if someone who tests positive was on the plane with you. It doesn’t matter whether you are vaccinated or not,” the Serb said.

This happened to Viktor Troicki last January. At the edition of the Australian Open 2021, the tennis stars had to complete a two-week quarantine after entering Australia and were allowed to leave the room for a few hours a day to train. Apart from people who have had contact with infected people.

“In bad memory”

“Not just Troicki. 70 others had to go into quarantine. I have spoken to a lot of professionals. And that is something that everyone has bad memories,” explained Djokovic.

Djokovic left it open whether the Serb will now serve in Melbourne. Instead, the Serb, who founded an alternative players’ association, called for greater cohesion in the tennis circus. “I want the players to get together more. Simply so that we can play a role in the decision-making process,” said Djokovic. However, the tennis stars will not be able to change the entry regulations in Australia.

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