Thiem manages to avoid the operating room

The Austrian tennis player Dominic ThiemCurrent number 8 in the world and out of combat since last June due to an injury, announced this Monday that he does not need surgery on his right wrist, which will allow him to return to training in the coming weeks.

“I had a very important day today. I was in Belgium to decide if I need to have surgery. Luckily I have very good news. I don’t need the operation. The wrist has healed well, it seems stable and looks good,” Thiem said in a video landlord posted on his Twitter account.

“I’m going to use the next few weeks to strengthen my wrist and make it more flexible to slowly start training. I can’t wait, after so long without the racket,” said the 28-year-old, 2020 US Open winner.

Thiem was injured on June 22 during the tournament of Mallorca, in preparation for Wimbledon, with a fissure of a tendon sheath on the right wrist.

More details about his possible return to the tennis courts are expected for a press conference next Monday, reports the Austrian news agency APA.

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