The MHSC II continues against Béziers

National 2 / 10th day / Derby of group D.

Montpellier HSC II2


Ouattara stadium, area of ​​Grammont. Half-time: 1-0.

Arbitre: M. El Bedoui.

Goals for Montpellier II: Bakayoko (38th), Ben Achour (71st).

Warning to Montpellier II: Tchato R (72e).

Warning to Béziers: Royal (64e).

MONTPELLIER II : Carvalho, Tchato R., Oyongo, Ghalem, Tchato E., Eboumbou, Dipoko, Ros, Cornelie, Bakayoko, Fayad, Dejar.

BÉZIERS : Drama, Mostefa, Clement, Reale, Soule, Lemaire, Gobron, Mayela, Carbonero, Ngimbi, De Clemente.

For this 10th day of N2, the MHSC reserve receives Béziers. On the previous day, the young Pailladins won at Moulins-Yzeure (1-2), signing their first victory of the season. From the first minutes, the corners follow one another. The first strike of the match is for the locals with Fayad, who triggers a curled shot at the entrance to the penalty area that the opposing goalkeeper diverts to his left not without difficulty (8th).

The first opportunity for the visitors is to be credited to Mayela in a good position but missed the frame (25th). The opening of the scoring will be for the Orange and Blue: on a cross coming from the right of the Hérault attack, the ball is badly returned by the defense and Bakayoko in opportunistic mode pushes the ball to the bottom (1-0, 38th) .

Béziers reacts just before the break with a big strike from Gharbi who smashes the crossbar (45th).

Ben Achour takes the break

At half-time the score is 1-0 for the players of Frédéric Garny. The Biterrois start the second half with the intention of equalizing but Carvalho is vigilant on his line.

And it is ultimately Montpellier which makes the break through Ben Achour. Well launched in depth, he goes to dribble the keeper and score in the empty goal (2-0, 72nd). The visitors throw their last strength into the battle but it lacks edge.

Two victories over the last two days for the young pailladins!

Six very important points for the ongoing maintenance operation.


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