the Gunners have recruited the youngest player in history!

Zapping Our Mondial TOP 10: The most profitable transfers in history

Four years. This is the age at which Zayn Ali Salman entered Arsenal football school, making him the youngest rookie in history. In a BBC report, Stephen Deans, the child’s recruiter, said: “This kid is doing things he shouldn’t be doing. The way he kicks the ball, it sounds too hard for anyone. ‘one of his age. So I called a friend and he said to me: “he is four years old”. I said: “it is not possible, he cannot be the nursery, I have to talk to his parents. “And that’s where we got to. I took him to a few sessions and he did it in real life, it wasn’t just a hit. He does it consistently.”

The prodigy’s father was less surprised: “I realized the moment he was born. I remember the nurse put him on his stomach and he lifted his head and started looking around. She was shocked. You could tell yourself that he was very strong from an early age. It set the tone of his upbringing. You could see that he was different from other children. What really stands out is his poise. . He has had an incredible balance from a young age. ” Zayn Ali Salman must now be given time to do his ranges even if he is already outclassed with young people aged 7 or 8.

to summarize

London club Arsenal have signed the youngest player in history, in this case Zayn Ali Salman, who is only four years old. His trainer says: “We obviously had him playing with kids in his age group of four, five or six and he was already head and shoulders above everyone.”


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