The grass is English, diplomatic relations with England must be cut

Grass, sun, water and dirt arranged in a rectangle is basically what it takes to make a football or baseball stadium. But why play an international football match in Blida, when it could be played in the capital?

Answer, there is no good stadium in the capital and even on July 5, a complex complex, is not compliant, forcing the national team to play 40 kilometers from Algiers facing a dangerous road, the infernal traffic and the many roadblocks deployed on the route for the safety of the nation.

Except that players and coach severely criticized the lawn of the Blida stadium where a qualifying match for the World Cup was played the day before yesterday. Which leads to the second question which concerns New Algeria, why can’t we have a stadium of international stature?

Belmadi had already complained about the lawn of the stadium of Blida a month ago, using the words “catastrophic” and “sabotage”, which had made react the ministry which had promised to take care of it and to make an investigation .

It was September 1, who is then responsible for the situation in October? The gardener, the Federation, the ministry or Mustapha Tchaker, martyr of the war of independence who gave his name to the stadium?

How can we produce the Sinovac vaccine, or rather put it in vials, and can’t we make a simple lawn that meets standards? It is a mystery, but the commentators, Algerians and foreigners who qualified the lawn of Blida of “potato field” perhaps do not know that the potato is at 120 DA per kilo, which would make this lawn. a very good agricultural investment.

Precisely, that was the fifth question, are there people in Mustapha Tchaker who plant potatoes and harvest them in secret just before an international match in Algeria? In fact, the real question is this: are we going to have to play Algeria’s matches outside Algeria?

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