The curious criterion from the VAR of Pérez Pallas with Girona in the dubious offsides

The curious criterion from the VAR of Pérez Pallas with Girona in the dubious offsides TWITTER

girona-leganés 0-2 (2020-21). Santi Bueno sent Samu Sáiz a cross into the box. In the first instance the goal went up on the scoreboard but from the VAR Pérez Pallas told Prieto Iglesias to wait for it to be awarded. After five minutes, it was decided to cancel the goal offside.

The curious criterion from the VAR of Pérez Pallas with Girona in the dubious offsides @NATXO TELLADO

girona-almeria 0-1 (2020-21). Nigerian Sadiq unbalanced a very level match in a very controversial play. From the VAR, Pérez Pallas needed a good seven minutes to find out if the Almeria striker was offside or not. In fact, the lines drawn still do not make it clear.

The curious criterion from the VAR of Pérez Pallas with Girona in the dubious offsides TWITTER

mirandés-girona 1-2 (2021-22). Odei’s foot seemed to enable Bustos in the action that would have meant the 0-1 on Thursday. However, Pérez Pallas warned Quintero González that it was an anti-regulatory position. The lines were not seen until the half and did not clarify whether the Argentine striker was offside or not.



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