“Super young and no base place at Ajax, then you are not often called up”

Devyne Rensch was surprised that he was called up to the big Dutch national team in September. The defender of Ajax, who is now in the selection of the Dutch Juniors, had not yet seen it coming.

Rensch is not nervous, but he was surprised that he received a call from Van Gaal in September. “Besides that I am still super young, I do not have a basic place at Ajax,” he tells Algemeen Dagblad. “It doesn’t happen often that you are called up for the Dutch national team.”

Yet it happened and that is another proof that Rensch is moving quickly. “So fast that sometimes I hardly realize it. That’s how it was when I was allowed to show up at Orange, only 3.5 years ago that I made my debut at Orange O14. On the other hand: it can never go too fast. I’m just really happy with my development.”

The eighteen-year-old defender already has more than thirty matches for Ajax’s first to his name. He was also allowed to make his debut for the Orange during the previous international match.

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