Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi want to trust each other again: Second serve for love – people

You are the most harmonious double in the world!

The tennis legends Steffi Graf (52) and Andre Agassi (51) have been married since October 22, 2001. A scandal-free and totally relaxed relationship.

For their 20th wedding anniversary, they want to re-seal their love and renew their wedding vows. BILD found out about this from friends of the couple in the USA.

Accordingly, the couple want to catch up on what was not possible at the time: a wedding in white. Because Steffi was heavily pregnant with her first child when she said yes in Las Vegas. Jaden Gil was born four days later at Valley Hospital. Two years later, daughter Jaz Elle made her happiness perfect.

Foto: action press

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Steffi and Andre in October 2001 shortly after their wedding and the birth of their son Jaden GilFoto: action press

A love that began on television. Agassi in his biography “Open”: “I’ve had a crush on Steffi since I saw an interview with her on French television. I was blown away by its natural beauty. “

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-img-src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" alt="Steffi Graf und Andre Agassi nach ihren Wimbledon-Siegen 1992. Da war er schon in sie verknallt" data-zoom-title="Steffi Graf und Andre Agassi nach ihren Wimbledon-Siegen 1992. Da war er schon in sie verknallt

Foto: action press

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Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi after their Wimbledon victories in 1992. He had a crush on them by thenFoto: action press

But it wasn’t until 1999 that he got closer to her. During a joint training game in Key Biscayne, the crush Agassi tears off his shirt. “It was shameless, but I was desperate.”

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" width="1280" alt="Das Paar verkleidet an Halloween 2014. Andre über ihr Ehegeheimnis: „Respekt und Humor“" data-zoom-title="Das Paar verkleidet an Halloween 2014. Andre über ihr Ehegeheimnis: „Respekt und Humor“

Photo: Andre Agassi / Facebook

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The couple dressed up for Halloween 2014. Andre on their marriage secret: “Respect and humor”Photo: Andre Agassi / Facebook

He invites her to dinner, but Steffi refuses. Only months later does she agree. The next day they take a long walk on San Diego Beach …

<img class="photo ondemand zoomable" src="" data-img-src=",w=1280,c=0.bild.jpg" alt="Das glückliche Paar ganz bodenständig zwischen anderen Restaurant-Gästen in Las Vegas" data-zoom-title="Das glückliche Paar ganz bodenständig zwischen anderen Restaurant-Gästen in Las Vegas

Photo: Rita Agassi/Facebook

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The happy couple down-to-earth among other restaurant guests in Las VegasPhoto: Rita Agassi/Facebook

Two years later, only their mothers are present at the wedding before a justice of the peace. The wedding rings are made of bound bast.

20 years later, Steffi could now fulfill her dream of a romantic wedding in white.



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