Sport / Anicet Glitho nominated for a four-year term as head of the Benin judo federation

The members of the executive committee of the Beninese Judo Federation held their general assembly on Sunday, the outcome of which the outgoing president Anicet Glitho again gathered the voting intentions of the twenty-seven voters present out of thirty for a new term of four. years, noted Agence Bnin Presse.

Key to all the activities carried out during this general assembly, Eric Olafa, secretary general, after verifying that the quorum has been reached and the reminder of the attributions, received the plenitude of the votes of all the voters. Cline Atchhoun, elected vice-president, damn the pawn Macaire Fadgnon twenty-two votes against five. Still a candidate for the post of general treasurer, Macaire Fadgnon bowed down to Wilfrid Jocou twenty-three against four. Aristide Ayelesso was elected Deputy Secretary General unanimously while Bernard Hounmenou obtained the voting agreement of twenty-five participants for the post of Deputy Treasurer General.

All the twenty-seven voters gave their confidence to Auguste Anani and Chantal Akogbto, who respectively occupy the post of head of the organization and second deputy head. As for the post of first assistant responsible for the organization, twenty-six chose Houndjenoukon Sylvestre, as did Mivgbo Dsir for the referee representative. Natacha Gnanhou was chosen to represent women in the office.

Feeling very proud to belong to a judo family for having renewed his confidence in him, Anicet Glitho confided that his newcomer has among other major issues, the revision of the texts which govern their federation in accordance with the fateful authorities, the creation of new leagues, the competition of the vtrans which will emerge for the first time and the negotiation of the financial partners to support development projects.

Representing the Minister of Sports, the director of elite sports, Bonaventure Coffi Codjia, first congratulated the members of the federation, while inviting them “to privilege debates of ideas and consensus”. He also urged voters to make their choice on personalities who love sport and not use sport, adding that the latter embody moral values ​​likely to think of working for the development of Beninese judo.

The representative of the president of the CNOSB, Germain Loko and former president of the Benin judo federation, indicated that the judo in Benin started by speaking for itself and this is the asset of the members of the federation, thanking them of all. the efforts made for the previous term.


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