SOCCER. Mickaël Landreau, from the Collectif Nantais: “For FC Nantes, we are going to open a popular crowfunding”

He exchanged the gloves for the costume of energy federator: Mickael Landreau, within the Nantes Collective takes stock of the possible takeover of FC Nantes. Overview with the former – emblematic – Nantes keeper.

His voice still carries. Not only because he is the former goalkeeper of FC Nantes, and that he holds the record for the number of matches played in Ligue 1 (618). No, Mickael Landreau is in the football news with his involvement in the Nantes collective, a pool of companies setting up a fundraiser for a possible takeover of FC Nantes, alongside Philippe Plantive, boss of Proginov, but also former Canaries (Nicolas Ouédec, Nicolas Savinaud, Frédéric Da Rocha, Nicolas Gillet, Christophe Pignol). This project is progressing and well.

We know that it is not the Collectif Nantais alone that will be at the head of the club. We gave the opportunity to local businesses, but it does not work. Today we have two solid files with which we work and which could come with us to buy FC Nantes

Mickaël Landreau – Nantes Collective

Beyond the round table of local entrepreneurs and the search for a major partner, the Collectif Nantais and Mickaël Landreau have made a decision

We are going to open a popular crowfunding and put a subscription at 100 euros

Mickaël Landreau – Nantes Collective

This issue is therefore devoted to FC Nantes, to Mickael Landreau, but we also talk – and this is quite normal – of Waldemar Kita, relations with supporters, the economic future of the Canaries.

►See or re-watch the program in its entirety

And since we are talking about club redemption, the Editorial of the day covers what works … or not

A week in a balloon, a program to be found on Thursday evening on social networks, and every Friday at 10:15 am on the France 3 Pays de la Loire antenna.

A program in collaboration with the Pays de la Loire Football League which offers us a weekly column.

The playlist to find in replay all the numbers of # USBFOOT

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