Soccer. Euro 2028: UEFA opens applications

UEFA launched the bidding process on Tuesday to host Euro-2028 football, whose host country or countries will be designated by the European body in September 2023, she said in a statement.

Interested federations have “until March 2022 to declare their interest,” said UEFA, while Euro-2024 is already awarded to Germany after the edition of this summer, divided between eleven cities across the continent, from London to Baku.

If it does not allude to the ongoing overhaul of the international calendar after 2024, the European body therefore assumes that the summer of 2028 will not be occupied by the World Cup, while Fifa plans to pass its World Cup. at a biennial rate at that time.

Joint candidatures possible between “geographically compact countries”

In detail, UEFA once again authorizes joint candidacies, provided that the countries concerned “are geographically compact”. She warns, however, that she will not be able to “guarantee” the automatic qualification of teams from host countries if there are more than two to join forces.

In addition, to accommodate the 51 matches between the 24 teams entered, the candidates must have ten stadiums, including at least one with 60,000 seats, one with 50,000 seats, at least four with 40,000 seats and at least three with 30,000 seats. .


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