Severo PNC3000 Family Badminton Racket General 2 Mini 2 Configuration

Product information provision notice[전자상거래에 관한 상품정보 제공에 관한 고시] according to the item [스포츠데이]Information registered by

Table of product status, manufacturer, brand, country of origin, date of manufacture
product number2170633461
product statusnew product
VAT exemptiontaxable goods
issue a receiptIssuable – Credit card slip, online cash receipt
Business ClassificationCorporate business (general taxpayer)
originAsia China
Table of product material, color, dimensions, manufacturer/importer, washing method and handling precautions
Product and model nameSee detailed description
size/weightSee detailed description
colorSee detailed description
textureSee detailed description
product compositionSee detailed description
Release date of the same modelSee detailed description
Manufacturer/ImporterSee detailed description
country of manufactureSee detailed description
Detailed specifications by productSee detailed description
Quality Assurance StandardsSee detailed description
A/S manager and phone numberSee detailed description
Estimated delivery time after orderingSee detailed description
If there are special matters such as additional costs and restrictions in relation to purchase, exchange, return, delivery, installation, etc.

Refund of payment even though the consumer has withdrawn the subscription pursuant to Article 17 (1) or (3) of the Consumer Protection Act in electronic commerce, etc. and returned the goods withdrawn to the seller in accordance with Article 18 (1) of the same Act In case of delay beyond these three business days, the consumer shall pay the delay interest calculated by multiplying the number of days of delay by the interest rate prescribed by the Enforcement Decree of the War Commerce Act ( You can claim “deferred compensation”). In addition, application for exchange, return, guarantee and refund of payment [나의쇼핑정보]Please contact the individual seller for more information.



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