Rebellion in Britain! Premier League clubs rebel against new owner Newcastle,

It’s boiling in the Premier League. This is due to the new owner of Newcastle United, who officially became a consortium from Saudi Arabia this week. According to The Guardian, all 19 other units are concerned that a change of owner will damage a good brand of competition. And they are already convening the leadership of the league for the meeting!

That message caused a justified uproar! The Premier League leadership announced on Thursday that Newcastle had been sold to a consortium led by the Saudi Public Investment Fund. He had tried to buy “Magpie” in the past, but failed. It worked out for him now and he had to spend almost ten billion crowns on it.

Against, however, the fans and the clubs themselves are afraid that Newcastle (and the entire competition) will be misused for political struggles. In addition, many experts point out that investing in sport can be used to divert attention from human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia.

That’s why almost everyone wants to stop the transaction at the last minute, but only the league management will have the last word. And it has already given the green light once …




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