Premier League: David de Gea took pride in Bastian Schweinsteiger: “Tell me, am I better than Neuer?”




Ethe alemn Bastian Schweinsteiger has unveiled in the ‘BBC’ than spanish De Gea He didn’t like the comparison with the other goalkeeper: “I told him, ‘no, you’re not. It’s a different level.” This has been recognized by the former footballer himself about a discussion they had in 2015 in which the goalkeeper himself participated.

“When I first came to Manchester United, David de Gea said: ‘Tell me, am I better than Neuer?’ I replied like, ‘No, you are not. It’s a different level. ‘ He was furious, but I explained why. Every time he played a good game he asked me again, and I repeated that he was not yet at that level “said the former midfielder.

One United in each

De Gea has returned to be a titleholder in a United that is not going through a good time and that this weekend lost 0-5 against Liverpool. The Spanish goal does not lift a title from the Europa League with Mourinho four years ago.



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