Ponzio’s great gesture with Julián Álvarez in River’s second goal that made him a trend

The emblematic midfielder went to look for the youth to be embraced by his teammates in the celebration of Braian Romero’s goal against Talleres.

Leonardo Ponzio is one of River’s great references, on and off the court. And so he showed it with a great gesture with Julián Álvarez, in the second goal of the Millionaire in the victory against Talleres.

The youth, the great figure of Marcelo Gallardo’s team in the championship, got off Rodrigo Villagra and left Braian Romero hand in hand, who scored 2-0.

At that moment, Ponzio entered the field to hug the forward. However, he realized that Álvarez had stayed on the grass, stretching. As soon as he noticed that, he went to look for him so that his teammates could hug him in the goal celebration. A great gesture that was recognized by fans and shows what kind of leader he is …

The great gesture of Leonardo Ponzio with Julián Álvarez in River’s second goal against Talleres


The great gesture of Leonardo Ponzio with Julián Álvarez in River's second goal against Talleres

The proposal of a historic River if Gallardo leaves

The future of Marcelo Gallardo is unknown. El Muñeco ends his contract in December and has not yet resolved whether he will continue at the club. In the meantime, a historical Millionaire does not doubt who should sit on the bench if the DT decides to leave …
“If Gallardo leaves, the successor must be Leonardo Ponzio”, expressed Luis Amuchástegui, former striker who was champion of the 1986 Copa Libertadores, in an interview with How’s it going? (AM 550, Radio Colonia).


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