Paula Badosa remembers her depression after winning in Indian Wells: “I had some very hard times but I never stopped fighting”


Paula Badosa conquers Indian Wells

Paula Badosa, who at the age of 23 made history by becoming the first Spanish tennis player to win the Indian Wells tournament (USA), wanted to emphasize, in his first words after the victory against Victoria Azarenka, that this triumph has a special meaning for the mental health problems which he has suffered in his sporting career. “I’ve been through some really tough times, though I never stopped dreaming and fighting“, Said Badosa, referring to the depression what happened. “These days I remembered it. I have a memory and I know what happened, I had to work hard and go through moments of depression, of being treating myself, tennis cost me a lot, I thought I wouldn’t get here, “he said.

This season, in which he has jumped from the 70th position in the ranking to the 13th, Badosa has confirmed the potential he has been aiming for since his victory in the Junior category Roland Garros of 2015. He also referred to this victory to highlight the pressure which falls on young athletes. “When you’re a good junior player, people think you’ll be in the Top 20 (WTA) next year, a lot of pressure is put on you,” he remarked. “People have a lot expectations and hurry. He thinks that at the age of 21 you have to win these tournaments and that’s not the case “. And he drew attention to this fact: “There is girls and young people who think that at 17 they should be the best. I think we have to be very patient and not create these expectations “, he asked.

Working with psychologists

He insisted on the mental load of a sport like tennis: “I have worked with many psychologists, it is very important. In tennis, 70% or 80% is mental “, he said, before explaining his strategy in this field:” Now I try to find a balance between competing and enjoying and I think I’m winning games for that “.

Després d’inaugurar aquest any el seu palmarès WTA al torneig de Belgrad, la catalana ha aconseguit un trofeu que mai van aconseguir les grans figures del tenis femení espanyol, com Arantxa Sánchez Vicario o Conchita Martínez, aquesta última, dues vegades subcampiona, el 1992 and 1996.

“I’m still a little in shock. In the end, I was very proud of the three hours of battle on the track “, explained Badosa. “If I had been told a year ago that I would win a tournament like this, I wouldn’t have believed it, especially after the match I played today (Sunday) against a champion like her (Azarenka), who is always encouraged to endings, ”he added.

He has also had words of gratitude for Azarenka. She explained that she grew up as a teenager watching Azarenka succeed on the women’s circuit and then wanted to be like her. “Thank you for inspiring me. I wouldn’t be here without women like you, “she said.

He has also dedicated a few words to the his team, for the “hard work” which they have done in these two weeks at the California tournament, and their family. “Thank you for helping me in my day to day and in the bad times.” And he hasn’t forgotten the fans who have supported him at Indian Wells, of whom he has said he felt his “love” throughout the tournament.



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