Osorio pulls epic to beat Svitolina in WTA Tenerife

María Camila Osorio has thrown her epic courage to beat a Svitolina who has missed a considerable advantage that ended 5-7, 6-3, 6-2 at the WTA 250 in Tenerife.

The Colombian tennis player has taken a hit on the table by beating an Elina Svitolina who has gone from more to less throughout the game, and that with this defeat he practically says goodbye to his options to go to the WTA Finals in this 2021 season.

Svitolina takes the first step

The Ukrainian tennis player began leading the game by taking the first set although it came to be break down against an Osorio who came out determined to be the owner of the game from the first blow, and she being the one who proposed the rhythm of the match with a Svitolina showing her most solid version from the bottom. Precisely that defensive and fighting version of the Ukrainian coupled with her greater experience were key for her to come back in the first set and prevail by a tight 7-5.

Osorio opens hole

As soon as the set was finished, the lack of light made the game had to be postponed. After the restart, everything indicated that the Ukrainian would seal her pass to the second round of the tournament. Nothing is further from reality, Since Osorio has woken up in the second set and from 2-0 against he has gone to 6-3 to end up forcing the third and final set against a Svitolina who has left a very improvable image in the bars after the resumption of the game.

The Colombian tennis player quickly took an advantage in the third set thanks to her greater daring when it came to going for the points. But the Ukrainian did not give up and went from 0-2 to 2-2 in a matter of minutes, although that has been a mirage and Osorio has quickly brought out his best version and caused numerous errors in the Ukrainian tennis player in the final stretch of the match. Leaving an image that we are used to lately, and it is the lack of resources against hitting players and when it is seen below on the scoreboard. Finally the victory of Camila Osorio has been consummated, a well-deserved and worked triumph since she has never stopped believing in her and that has allowed her to take a victory of great merit and it also means his first win against a Top10.


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