NBA: Divorce comes to the bottom line: Sixers stop paying Ben Simmons




En divorces, the financial issue is often troublesome. On Ben Simmons and the Sixers, too. The Australian point guard assumes that his refusal to join the team’s training sessions and play next season will have consequences for his pocket and they have already arrived: the franchise did not pay him this Friday the 8.25 million dollars that correspond to a quarter of your contract.

From the Sixers they assure that this money remains as a deposit and that they will use it to deduct the fines that Simmons accumulates for each game that he does not play. Each absence will cost you about $ 227,000. If the base returns, the remainder will be given to him. This Monday, the Philadelphia team play their first preseason game against the Raptors and the first penalty could fall.

In a meeting held in October between the player and the franchise, the terms of the sanctions were clear and the one that has now been put in place was one of them. Simmons said he gets it and comes to terms with it, but not to change his position: he wants to be traded and he will not wear the Sixers jersey again. “We are in this for the long term,” someone close to the point guard told ESPN.

From the board of directors and from the staff they send hopeful messages, although of doubtful conviction given the attitude of Simmons. “Obviously we have not won anything, but in the regular season we have been so good and so dominant that we know it is working. I am disappointed that we are in this situation. I am disappointed that he is not here, because he knows it too. we can win together, “says Joel Embiid, the team’s star.



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