National coach Herbert wants to involve Nowitzki

Dhe new national basketball coach, Gordon Herbert, is determined to include Dirk Nowitzki in his work with the national team. “His presence would always be great for German basketball. He is an icon in Germany. Not only was he one of the best players in the NBA, he is also a great person, ”said the 62-year-old Canadian in an interview with RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND) on Friday.

He already had a fruitful conversation with NBA star Dennis Schröder. “He’s 100% committed to playing for us. He likes to represent his country. My job is to try and get our best players to play. He is one of them. He brings something unique with him, unique skills, ”emphasized Herbert.

But there was also one player who hesitated whether he wanted to play the international matches in November. “We’re not in a situation where we have to fall on our hands and knees asking people to play. I have no problem with people who say no. It’s easier that way than with a “maybe”.

At the beginning of September Herbert took over from the former national coach Henrik Rödl. He had signed a two-year contract that would be extended for another year if he qualified for the 2024 Olympics in Paris.



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