Muižniece: Full-time education should be resumed in mid-November, despite the epidemiological situation – Society and Politics – News

4th – 12th grades of general education schools study remotely from 1 November to 14 November, while in vocational education, higher education, hobby and adult education teaching takes place remotely from 21 October to 14 November.

International education programs 1-3. classes from November 1 take place in person, but in other classes remotely from October 21 to November 14.

It is allowed to continue the study process in person in practical training and clinical training in the acquisition of vocational education programs in the professions and specialties regulated in the field of health care and veterinary medicine, including residency. It is also permitted to take professional qualification examinations in person in vocational basic education, vocational education, vocational secondary education and vocational further education programs, if their course is planned until 27 October 2021. Also, as of November 1, 2021, individual acquisition of practical skills of vocational education (including vocational orientation) programs in an educational institution is allowed, if it takes place independently and without the presence of a teacher.

Acquisition of pre-school education programs (including acquisition of international education programs in the appropriate age group) will continue in person in on-call groups for those children whose parents or legal representatives cannot work remotely and provide child supervision at home. Taking into account that in the period until November 14, some families will be able to provide pre-school children at home, a smaller number of learners in groups is possible – in such cases it is allowed to combine them within one educational institution, ensuring the composition of the combined group.

In order to optimize the number of groups, the pre-school may identify the parents of the children to find out not to take the child to kindergarten until 14 November, but the management does not have the right to request proof that the child’s legal representative cannot supervise the child at home.

The pre-school should provide support for children of compulsory pre-school age who will study at a distance, for example by sending assignments at home.

In the field of sports, all sports competitions have been canceled by November 14, as well as all on-site sports training for amateurs of all ages, as well as interest education and vocational education programs, with only some exceptions for participation of adult teams and other high-level athletes in sports training and competitions. . At the same time, individual physical activities for maintaining and improving health, if they take place outdoors and without a coach, continue to be unrestricted.

During this time, only sports competitions for adult national team athletes included in the sports calendar of international sports federations (in team sports games – also for junior national team athletes from the age of 16), as well as international and top league sports competitions involving only professional athletes ( this means persons who, on the basis of an employment contract and for an agreed fee, prepare for and participate in sports competitions), moreover, all these competitions must take place without spectators.

All competitions at international level must take place in a so-called “bubble format”, which completely separates all persons involved in the organization and conduct of the competition from overlapping and non-participants (including hotel stays), regular all persons (including persons with a valid vaccination or disease certificate) Covid-19 testing, as well as compliance with other requirements of the competition safety protocol to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection. The requirement to follow the “bubble format” also applies to Latvian athletes, as well as any person involved in the organization and conduct of the competition from Latvia. The list of permitted sports competitions will be published on the MES website.

The Latvian training team will be able to continue the sports training process (in team sports games – also for junior national team athletes aged 16), athletes of the Latvian Olympic team and the Latvian Paralympic team, as well as professional athletes of international and top league team sports (with employment contracts) , if these trainings take place in an epidemiologically safe environment. It will also be possible to hold official trainings for adult national team (including foreign) athletes, which are related to the preparation for participation in the 2022 Winter Olympics. For

In the training of epidemiological safety regimes in which professional athletes of international and top leagues of team sports games participate, the norms provided for in the Cabinet Order on testing of employees who have started vaccination against Covid-19 but have not yet completed it (respectively have not yet obtained a valid vaccination certificate) are applicable. certificate).



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