(Mobile Legends) Internal Problem? Udil Reveals Reasons for Alter Ego’s Decline in Performance

The team that had dominated the Regular Season phase, namely Alter Ego, was finally broken by other MPL Season 8 participants. Not only broke win streak, Alter Ego seen a decline in performance and finally in Week 7 yesterday, they did not win at all. Of course many are asking, why does this happen?

Udil as one of the retainers of Alter Ego revealed the reason in the MPL Quickie session in episode 8. According to the singer, mid laner, at the time of breaking win streak they lack Hero power because it hit ban by Bigetron Alpha. This makes a choice signature Heroes from the Alter Ego team are reduced and it turns out to have a big impact on their performance.

“A lot of heroes have been hit ban, you could say that last week Alter Ego lost a lot of heroes signature, said Udil.

Because we know that the Hero list is often the mainstay of Alter Ego to win. Unfortunately something hit ban For example, Beatrix was finally not allowed to be used in MPL because there was a bug. Hero-Hero revamp like Hayabusa and Kagura are also affected banned by the enemy.

Unfortunately, before statement There are many rumors circulating about Udil that internally Alter Ego has problems that cannot be disclosed to the public. There is a conflict between-roster which eventually they experience drastic performance.

Knowing this, Udil immediately dismissed rumors about the condition of his team. Udil said that the relationship between all the players was good and there were no internal problems at all. Even the rumors are mere gossip.

Roster Alter Ego MPL Season 8.

Roster Alter Ego MPL Season 8.



“No, really, it’s just a rumor. Everything is safe, there are no internal problems at all,” added Udil at the MPL Quickie session.

After hearing Udil’s statement, we come to know that the decline in Alter Ego’s performance is not due to an internal problem, but rather it’s because of the Hero signature they got it banned. Everything happened purely because of the strength of the formation and strategy.

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