Mexican Tennis Open: Daniil Medvedev, Tsitsipas, Zverev and Berrettini, confirmed for the Telcel 2022 Mexican Tennis Open

El Telcel 2022 Mexican Tennis Open has confirmed four top 10 tennis players for its next edition. Daniil Medvedev, Stefanos Tsitsipas, Alexander Zverev and Matteo Berrettini They will be in Mexico to contest the title in Acapulco.

Medvedev is one of the great revelations of the tournament. Russian is current champion of the US Open, number 2 in the world and has 13 ATP titles. Daniil live his first experience in Acapulco; Another of the debutants in the Mexican tournament will be Matteo Berrettini, number 7 in the ranking.

Who already has extensive experience in Mexico and looks like a fan favorite is Alexander Zverev. The German was champion in Acapulco in 2021, after beating Greek Stefanos Tsitsipas 6-4, 7-6 (3), who seek to collect revenge.

Zverev arrive in one of the best moments of his career: he comes from getting the gold medal at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, in addition to conquering Madrid and Cincinnati. This will be his fifth participation in the AMT.

“We are very excited to announce the 4 top ten for the next edition of the Tournament. Great players, of which two are great acquaintances and pampered by the Mexican public, Sascha Zverev and Stefanos Tsitsipas and two of them who will be participating for the first time in Acapulco, Mateo Berrettini and the number two in the world: the Russian Daniil Medvedev “, said the director of the AMT, Ral Zurutuza.

For the 2022 edition, The Telcel Mexican Tennis Open will have a new venue with larger spaces and greater capacity for fans.


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