Messina, in Lombardo and Di Caro the first edition of the e-Motor show. Participation was a success

The first edition of the e-Messina Motor Show, commissioned by ATM, the first in the south for the number of electric buses, with the collaboration of the Municipality of Messina, ACI Sport Italia and LPD Italia. It was the first major event of this kind organized on the banks of the strait. Winner of the first trophy “E -Motor Show Messina” were Alessandro Lombardo for the PRO category and Andrea Di Caro for the ROOKIE category, who won the top step of the podium thanks to the consistency and speed shown on the tortuous circuit. Many guests followed one another on the track and beyond, from Giancarlo Fisichella, Ferrari competitions driver, to Antonino Trio, athlete of the Italian long jump team and Maria Andrea Virgilio, Paralympic athlete champion in archery. Interviews with the well-known Sicilian conductor Salvo La Rosa and the sparkling mayor of Messina Cateno De Luca who bravely accepted to sit next to a driver in a “hot lap” with racing cars also cheered the audience. Also present was the Peloritan commissioner, Gennaro Capoluongo, who attended some of the heats. The non-random choice of setting up the circuit outside the most important vaccination hub in the province, Pala Rescifina, has helped to boost vaccinations which have increased by 25% compared to the past week. “We are extremely satisfied and proud of how the event went – declares the president of ATM Giuseppe Campagna – Thanks to the collaboration with the municipal administration and other investee companies, we were able to highlight the issue of sustainable mobility and road safety by involving all age groups. We bet on local companies and professionals and we won, as the smiles of the many spectators present showed us. We are ready to organize the second edition, the mayor’s words were clear in this sense! ”. The two young ATM drivers who made their debut in this event as pilots, Emanuela Costantino and Biagio Midili, who at his first test managed to conquer a well-deserved second place by defeating far more experienced drivers, were very excited.
The employment numbers of the event were important, over 30 Sicilian companies involved and over 200 people were involved in the event.

Final PRO
2. BOX
3. BRONZETTI (“Marchettino”)

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