Louis van Gaal finds flute concerts towards Steven Berghuis ‘a bit strange’ | Football

“You are absolutely right that it is a bit strange,” said Van Gaal when asked. “You expect it to be a different audience now. But there weren’t that many who were whistling. I don’t think it deserves attention.”

The Orange squad will also play the presumably decisive World Cup qualifier against Norway next month in De Kuip. Van Gaal does not think it is necessary to make a statement. “I have also been the target of noises in the Feyenoord stadium in the past. That’s just a limited number of people. You shouldn’t pay much attention to that. I’m still there and Berghuis is still there.”

Right back Denzel Dumfries thought that Berghuis handled it well. “Steven shows that he is professional. You knew beforehand that it could happen. I don’t think it bothered him that much, he’s quite stoic.”


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