Kyrgios’ nightmarish quarantine

Back in Australia, Nick Kyrgios (ATP 97) had to quarantine himself as required by health protocol. But the latter did not go as planned …

End of the season requires, Nick Kyrgios decided to return home in order to have a good time before tackling the physical preparation for the 2022 season. The health rules are still very strict in Australia, the “bad boy” had to put himself in quarantine.

The Canberra native decided to spend his isolation in a hotel in Adelaide with his girlfriend, Chiara Passari. But the cohabitation between the two lovebirds quickly turned badly. Indeed, as several Australian media reports, the police had to intervene in the couple’s room due to a violent domestic dispute. The top model is said to blame the 26-year-old for cheating on him.

“An investigation has been carried out, no offense has been revealed and the two sides will now spend the remainder of their quarantine in separate rooms,” local police said in a statement. When the return to the country turns into a nightmare …


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