JJ Watt no longer recognizes Texans

On Sunday, the Cardinals will host the Texans. The opportunity for JJ Watt to find the franchise that has made him one of the biggest stars of recent years.

In interview with ESPN, the former defensive end of Houston returned to this particular meeting for him.

“I don’t think it will be like people think it will be. I mean, you look at their squad today, it has changed so much that there are only a few guys that were there with me last year. So it’s not going to be ‘Oh, I want to go out there and beat my old team’, or ‘I can’t wait to face these guys’, because it’s not the same team. It is no longer the franchise that I knew and of which I was a part. “

After spending the first 10 years of his NFL career in Houston, Watt nevertheless retains a great deal of affection for franchise supporters. He who has known the good years is sad today to see the current state of Texans.

“That’s why it’s hard for me to explain what it is now. I believe that these fans deserve to live great moments and to have lived them, it hurts to see that at the moment this is not the case. So I hope they get back to that level because I personally know it’s an amazing place when the going. “


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