Jason Kidd proud to graduate | NBA

Jason Kidd has just closed the chapter of his student life, put aside since 1994. After his playing career, the current Dallas coach picked up the thread via online courses, during his time at the Lakers in particular, and has therefore received his diploma from the University of Phoenix, validating his knowledge in English.

The program emphasizes literary analysis, diversity, critical thinking, and written and oral communication skills through a rigorous program of literature, composition, language and linguistics, and communication studies.

His diploma now sits on the wall of his office and gives J-Kidd special pride, finally rewarded for his efforts, and a relief too.

“It’s something that will have the same importance as the gold medals and the title. I would like to thank the University of Phoenix for helping me achieve this goal ”, he confided. “When we talk to the younger generation and talk about the importance of education, we start by asking you if you have graduated. I had to dodge this question a few times. Now I don’t have to do it anymore ”.


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