I invite Erdogan to play a basketball game – Orhan Uğuroğlu

When foreigners (!) claimed that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was sick, the doctor of the palace or the Minister of Health, Dr. Fahrettin Koca did not make a statement.

In response to foreign aggression, Erdogan played a basketball game recently.

Unfortunately, the match, which was not broadcast live by the side channels, was played in a single pot.

In the match played at the Presidential Complex, together with President Erdoğan;

Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank,

Mehmet Kasapoğlu, Minister of Youth and Sports,

Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, Minister of Culture and Tourism,

Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın,

Director of Communications Fahrettin Altun,

Hamza Yerlikaya, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports

Hidayet Türkoğlu, President of the Turkish Basketball Federation.

President Erdogan’s team won the match, which was very competitive (!), 50-24.

President Erdoğan shared his great victory, in which they defeated their opponents, on their social media accounts, with the footage of the match.

Drawing attention to the importance of doing sports for health in his message, Erdoğan said;

– “I also try to do sports three days a week. There is abundance in movement.”

According to the news, President Erdogan scored 27 points while his team scored 50 points.

An amazing score…

I played professional basketball for 18 years in the Yenişehir team, headed by the late TRT announcer Arman Talay, starting in 1962 in the youth team and playing professional basketball, including the first league, until 1980.

If he is a basketball player who is successful enough to score 27 points, I call Mr. President “hodri challenge”.

Let him include national basketball players, including Hidayet Türkoğlu, in his team.

I’ll set up a team of sports writers or journalists, let’s play a basketball game together, whether it’s a single hoop or a full court.

I would like to suggest this to Erdogan.

I’m going to do “man to man defense” with him.

If Recep Tayyip Erdogan can score even a single basket, I will leave the profession of journalism.

It was a show game…

I saw that on the television news, they broadcast not what Erdogan missed, but the number of basketballs, and he does not have a single opponent defending him.

It was pure comedy…

It was an image work.

Erdogan played this match as an answer and a lesson to the Americans who say “Erdogan is sick”…

We knew Erdoğan as a football player, that he was a basketball player…

Hidayet Türkoğlu can take Erdoğan to perhaps the most popular basketball league, the NBA, and have him play there.


Let me confess that I could not decipher the statement of Devlet Bahçeli, “The separatist kebab vendors aiding and abetting terrorism have a share in unemployment”.

Bahçeli needs to make an additional written statement so that we can understand what he means.

If there is a “divisive kebab business” in Turkey, it is the AKP, which is in power today.

The AKP that prepared those kebabs is the AKP that brought Osman Öcalan to TRT…

The kebab man who sent the so-called lecturer to Imrali and announced the letter he received from the baby killer terrorist leader Ocalan is AKP.

The AKP is also the one who carries charcoal to the divisive kebab shops and lights the barbecue fire.

I do not know whether Devlet Bahçeli criticized the AKP or which kebab shop he criticized.

He knows the kebab business from Osmaniye.

I never think that kebab shops in Turkey are terrorists.

I think there was a shift in the text that Bahçeli read from the window that he used the word “divisive kebabs”.

IYI Party leader Meral Akşener said;

– “When the economy does not improve, one of us becomes terrorists every day…”

Okay, now do you understand Bahçeli’s “divisive kebab shops” exit…

His aim was to give Akşener rights.


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