Good End. These are the articles that will have the most attempted fraud

Mexico is among the highest online fraud percentages in the world, with 3 percent, so Clearsale, an anti-fraud solutions company, pointed out that during the next edition of Buen Fin (to be held between November 10 and 16) this phenomenon is expected to occur in the discount season.

Clearssale explained that there are products that have had a higher percentage of fraud attempts during 2021 like tennis shoes and clothes, with 26 percent; cell phones and computer equipment, with 24 percent; screens, with 20 percent; travel, with 18 percent and sex toys, with 12 percent.

According to the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef), Only in the first quarter of the year there were 628 thousand 132 against charges in debit card operations in the country, equivalent to more than 323 million pesos that online businesses had to absorb.

Víctor Islas, CEO of Clearsale, noted that these types of articles have advantages for criminalsThey’re easy to resell, there are sizes to choose from, and it’s easy to get cash for them when you retail them.

This becomes a major obstacle in e-commerce for sellersBecause for every 20 pesos of chargeback, they lose 51 pesos in time, fees, physical goods and shipping costs.

“An anti-fraud solution should not only stop fraudsters, it should also provide a frictionless and frustration-free shopping experience for genuine shoppers by implementing solutions that improve their purchases every time they make a transaction,” he said.

This year, according to the Good End Purchase Intention Report 2021, carried out by the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO), 3 out of 10 potential buyers will use the online channel for the first timeTherefore, sellers must have better practices, because with the increase in purchase orders, there is a greater vulnerability to fraud and chargebacks.

It is estimated that 63 percent of users will make their payments with a credit card and 43 percent with a debit card..




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