Football (P2): Using messenger RNA

A booster dose for everyone? Rest assured, there is no question here of talking about the Covid. A little press review titillated our pupils. To read the comments of many coaches, from D1 to P4, the same ills strike their troops. When Vince The Prince regrets the lack of concentration, Boris (Dome) the wise points out that his Elsautois are doing the opposite of what has been prepared. Master Jessy (Dionisio) engages on the lack of envy and aggressiveness of his phalanx of Heusyte. Pat (Tamburrini) the wise plague on the sufficiency displayed by his Lainiers. As for the poor Jack (Depreitere) and Michaël (Ziant), they can only note the poor mentality of certain Spadois and Stavelotains. However, don’t concentration, envy, aggressiveness, respect, rigor, mentality, instructions, humility, commitment and listening represent the ABC of football? If the problem persists, it would be enough to call a pharmaceutical company. In a small dose, the message will then be fully integrated.

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