Ferrero and Moyá, candidates to be part of the Tennis Hall of Fame

Whenever Spanish tennis receives certain recognitions outside our borders, we are in luck. During this morning, the candidates for the year 2022 were announced to become part of the Hall of Fame of the tennis, located in Newport, USA. Remember that during the tournament that takes place in Rhode Island, the winners are part of a great ceremony gala, and this season we have two candidates from our country: Juan Carlos Ferrero placeholder image (who was already a candidate last year) and Carlos Moya, an unbeatable pairing that can be recognized for his sporting merits throughout his career. Of course, they will not have it easy: iconic names were also nominated in the last decade of women’s tennis such as Ana Ivanovic O Flavia Penetta, in addition to two of the longest-lived legends of the doubles modality as Cara Black and Lisa Raymond. Hopefully Juanki and Charly can add one more recognition to an extensive and outstanding sports career.



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