Evan Fournier, the Frenchy of New York

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NBA débute ce mardi 19 octobre avec 12 Français, dont Evan Fournier, nouvelle recrue des Knicks de New York. Pour son 11e exercice dans  la principale ligue de basket-ball au monde, le Français compte jouer les premiers rôles sur le parquet du Madison Square Garden. ">

The new NBA season begins this Tuesday, October 19 with 12 French, including Evan Fournier, new recruit of the New York Knicks. For his 11th exercise in the main basketball league in the world, the Frenchman intends to play the leading roles on the floor of Madison Square Garden.

Free last summer, Evan Fournier, who left the Boston Celtics, dreamed of playing in New York. The wish is now granted, with a four-year contract and $ 78 million at stake. Along with Julius Randle, Kemba Walker and Derrick Rose, he will be one of the Knicks’ main offensive weapons. For his 11th season, the 28-year-old could become the darling of the legendary Madison Square Garden, his favorite venue.

A decision taken during the Tokyo Olympics

« The first thing I thought to myself was I was gonna play Madison (Square Garden). But if you play it and you’re worth nothing, it sucks! So very quickly, I thought of the new coach (Tom Thibodeau, arrived last year with the new president Leon Rose) and to this project to put New York back on the front of the stage (Last year, the Knicks secured 4th place in the Eastern Division with a qualification for the play-offs for the first time since 2013). That’s exciting ! », Says in The team Evan Fournier.

And to add: ” It is true that it is the right timing that I found myself a free agent this summer. I have been saying that New York attracts me for several years. But it is true that a few years ago, it was not very attractive, it was a hell of a mess! »

« I had to make a decision on the day of the quarter-finals of the Olympics [contre l’Italie], which was obviously not ideal, as you want to concentrate on the game as much as possible. The day before I spoke with my agent regarding my options, and clearly the Knicks were a priority for me », Had told Fournier. He who grew up in a family of very high level judokas, realized last summer in Japan his other dream, to participate in the Olympic Games.

In Tokyo, when the France team entered the competition against the United States, Evan Fournier was one of the great architects of the victory of the Blues with 28 points to his counter. The Blues of Vincent Collet, Olympic vice-champions, had dominated the United States in a group match (83-76), a real feat.

Always more responsibilities

After this surprising fourth place in the East last year, putting an end to several years of disappointment, the Knicks will be keen to confirm for this new season. They ended their preseason undefeated.

With his experiences in Denver, Orlando and Boston, “Ant” intends to take the Knicks to the play-offs, even speaking of ” catastrophe ” otherwise.

With Rudy Gobert, Evan Fournier is one of the leaders of the 1992 generation. During the 2012 Draft, Fournier was the first European player to hear his name. He is selected in 20th position by the Denver Nuggets. Eleven years later, the top French scorer in the NBA during the 2018/2019 season (15.1 pts per game) aspires to more responsibilities, as always.



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