Dutch national coach Van Gaal about Lang’s provocative behavior in Anderlecht: “He shouldn’t do that to me” | Sport

FootballNoa Lang (22) joined the Orange squad for the first time today. National coach Louis van Gaal sees an option in the Club tastemaker for the position of right wing attacker, but immediately also had a warning in store.

Noa Lang was rewarded last Friday for his good performance at Blauw-Zwart with a first selection for the Dutch national team. Louis van Gaal brought Lang to Orange for the World Cup qualifiers against Latvia (8/10) and Gibraltar (11/10). At his press conference today, the Dutch national coach gave some more explanation about his choice. “I want to feel, hear, see new players. That is only possible during these qualifying matches.”

Van Gaal indicated that he sees a competitor in Lang for right wing attacker Steven Berghuis. “All our positions are double occupied, except for the position of right wing attacker. Lang told me in a good conversation that he can do very well there, although he plays on the left at Club. That was one of the reasons to bring him in.”

Provocative behavior

Van Gaal admitted in the press chat that he did not watch Anderlecht-Club. Van Gaal also did not see how Lang played himself out of the game – as Club coach Philippe Clement put it – with provocative behaviour. But he was asked about it by a Dutch journalist. “He shouldn’t do that to me”, was Van Gaal firmly. “Would I discuss this with him again? I don’t think I’ll have to call him to me. I think he will come to me,” it sounded mysteriously.

After six matches, the Orange is in the lead in group G with 13 out of 18, as much as Norway. Number three Turkey has 11 points.

Knaldrang plays tricks on Noa Lang: how the Dutchman played himself out of the match against Anderlecht

Louis van Gaal at the press conference.

Louis van Gaal at the press conference. © Photo News


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