Divorce Ben Simmons – Sixers: the arrival of Daryl Morey, the turning point of a relationship that has deteriorated at great speed

Currently in the midst of a divorce, Ben Simmons and the Sixers have still not found a way out. On the contrary, the relationship becomes more and more strained every day. The steps that have caused the current situation are many but there is one that seems to have played a major role in this whole mess: the arrival of Daryl Morey in November 2020.

It is in an article by Keith Pompey of the Philadelphia Inquirer that we learn two-three interesting things behind the scenes of the divorce between Ben Simmons and the Sixers. Obviously, the main lines of the case are known, but we always rub our hands when a few additional details come to the surface. And this is what brings us the friend Keith, journalist from Philly who has a front row seat to follow the Simmons – Sixers saga. In his paper, Pompey considers the arrival of Daryl Morey almost a year ago as an important step in this saga. If we are to believe the insider, who cites several sources close to Simmons, the latter would have considered Morey’s arrival as the beginning of the end of his Sixers adventure.. Already there were rumors and doubts about the cohabitation between Simmons and star Joel Embiid, and that the Boomer was never really THE centerpiece of the Sixers project, the arrival of the former Rockets boss has visibly reinforced those feelings last November.

“From the start, the fit between the Sixers and Simmons didn’t look perfect. Despite being a first draft pick, this team was never really his. […] From the moment the former Rockets general manager took over, Simmons believed his days in the Sixers jersey were numbered. “

– Keith Pompey

Let’s put the context back to better understand this aspect of the case. In October 2020, Daryl Morey left the Rockets and then joined the Sixers two weeks later. Around the same time, two Houston stars Russell Westbrook and James Harden were in the process of leaving, both wanting to be transferred. Given the relationship between Morey and the Bearded Rockets, the rumors of an arrival of the latter in Philadelphia very quickly came to the fore. Daryl and Harden represented the two great figures of basketball made in Houston over the past decade, making a potential Sixers reunion very believable. So believable that Simmons pretty much took it for granted. Not only did he think his days were numbered, but he also went to check the house and apartment listings in H-Town. if we believe The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Athletic. According to Keith Pompey, who quotes a source from Camp Simmons, a member of the Sixers organization even told the Australian that a transfer had a good chance of arriving. But we know the rest. Despite rumors, despite Morey and Harden’s ties, despite the Sixers ‘interest in Ramesse and Simmons’ move plans, the Rockets ultimately preferred to do business with the Nets, who reclaimed the Bearded Man in January 2021. Ben Simmons So he stayed on the team he was drafted into, but that was – indeed – the beginning of the end. Except that the scenario lasted an additional year, with a bonus playoff humiliation, and that the end is much more chaotic today.

Obviously, difficult to point the finger a single element to explain the current situation between the Sixers and Ben Simmons. But the arrival of Daryl Morey seems to represent a turning point. Simmons never really felt he was part of the plans of the president of Philly basketball operations, no matter what the latter might say about the Boomer. And now everyone loses.

Source texte : The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Athletic


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