Denise Betsema at the top of the World Cup and Superprestige after a great weekend

Denise Betsema at the top of the World Cup and Superprestige after a great weekend

Monday, October 25, 2021 at 09:49


In the weekend after the return of the cross from the United States to Europe, two classification crosses were immediately on the agenda. On Saturday Eli Iserbyt and Denise Betsema conquered the scalp of the Superprestige Ruddervoorde, on Sunday Toon Aerts and Denise Betsema seized the victory in the ditch van Zonhoven in the World Cup. CyclingFlash compare the positions of the largest cross classifications!

World Cup

Eli Iserbyt had returned from the United States as World Cup leader after his victories in Waterloo and Iowa City. In Zonhoven, the 24-year-old rider of Pauwels Sauzen-Bingoal would not win, but with his third place he retained the lead and the white leader’s jersey. This time the win was for Toon Aerts, who made his decisive attack in the penultimate round. Aerts is now third in the standings behind Eli Iserbyt and Quinten Hermans.

Marianne Vos decided to take a break after the matches in the United States, so the women’s lead in the World Cup was at stake in Zonhoven. In the end it was Denise Betsema who left with the full loot the ditch. The 28-year-old sand specialist was in a class of his own and, in addition to winning, also took the leader’s jersey in the World Cup standings. She is three points ahead of Lucinda Brand, who was second in Zonhoven.

In the World Cup standings, the top three will be awarded 40, 30 and 25 points. The number four gets 22 points. Then it decreases by one point per place. Riders with an equal number of points are ranked according to the greatest number of first places, second places, and so on. If they are still tied, the points from the most recent match will be used to arrive at a ranking.

Crossed races:
10/10 – flag-us Waterloo – Eli Iserbyt en Marianne Vos
13/10 – flag-us Fayetteville – Quinten Hermans and Lucinda Brand
17/10 – flag-us Iowa City – Eli Iserbyt and Marianne Vos
24/10 – flag-be Zonhoven – Toon Aerts and Denise Betsema

Standings (men)
1. flag-be Eli Iserbyt – 135 points
2. flag-be Quinten Hermans – 107 points
3. flag-be Toon Aerts – 104 points
4. flag-be Michael Vanthourenhout – 100 points
5. flag-nl Lars van der Haar – 94 points
6. flag-be Jens Adams – 72 points
7. flag-be Daan Soete – 67 points
8. flag-nl Ryan Kamp – 64 points
9. flag-be Toon Vandebosch – 63 points
10. flag-nl Corné van Kessel – 50 points

Standings (women)
1. flag-nl Denise Betsema – 125 points
2. flag-nl Lucinda Brand – 122 points
3. flag-nl Marianne Vos – 102 points
4. flag-nl Puck Pieterse – 82 points
5. flag-nl Yara Kastelijn – 68 points
6. flag-hu Blanka Kata Vas – 65 points
7. flag-nl Shirin van Anrooij – 63 points
8. flag-nl Annemarie Worst – 59 points
9. flag-nl Fem van Empel – 59 points
10. flag-nl Inge van der Heijden – 55 points

Still to drive:
31/10 – flag-be Overijse
14/11 – flag-cz Tabor
21/11 – flag-be Koksijde
28/11 – flag-fr Besancon
05/12 – flag-be Antwerp
12/12 – flag-it Val di Sole
18/12 – flag-nl Rucphen
19/12 – flag-be Names
26/12 – flag-be Dendermonde
02/01 – flag-nl Holly
16/01 – flag-fr Flamanville
23/01 – flag-nl Hoogerheide


After the overseas trip to the US, the Superprestige also continued last weekend. Eli Iserbyt won in Ruddervoorde in the men’s race, after he saw the strong Quinten Hermans drop out around halfway through due to a misstep on the beams. With his victory, the 24-year-old motocross rider also led the Superprestige – although the differences are still small. In fact, Iserbyt is at the top with 28 points, together with Toon Aerts and Hermans.

Denise Betsema had a great weekend. Not only did she win the Zonhoven cyclo-cross race and become the new leader in the battle for the World Cup; the day before she was also the best in Ruddervoorde. The Texel rider rode solo to victory and took over the lead in the Superprestige from Lucinda Brand, who had a lesser day. Betsema has 29 points after two heats, two more than Annemarie Worst and three more than Brand.

The scoring for the Superprestige is straightforward: fifteen points for the winner and one point less each time for a position lower, up to and including the number fifteen.

Crossed races:
03/10 – flag-be Casting – Toon Aerts and Lucinda Brand
23/10 – flag-be Ruddervoorde – Eli Iserbyt and Denise Betsema

Standings (men)
1. flag-be Eli Iserbyt – 28 points
2. flag-be Toon Aerts – 28 points
3. flag-be Quinten Hermans – 28 points
4. flag-nl Lars van der Haar – 23 points
5. flag-be Laurens Sweeck – 23 points
6. flag-be Toon Vandebosch – 19 points
7. flag-be Tom Meeusen – 10 points
8. flag-nl Pim Ronhaar – 10 points
9. flag-it Felipe Orts – 9 points
10. flag-be Diether Sweeck – 8 points

Standings (women)
1. flag-nl Denise Betsema – 29 points
2. flag-nl Annemarie Worst – 27 points
3. flag-nl Lucinda Brand – 26 points
4. flag-nl Inge van der Heijden – 24 points
5. flag-nl Aniek van Alphen – 22 points
6. flag-be Sanne Cant – 20 points
7. flag-nl Yara Kastelijn – 17 points
8. flag-be Marion Norbert Riberolle – 14 points
9. flag-nl Manon Bakker – 11 points
10. flag-nl Puck Pieterse – 9 points

Still to drive:
11/11 – flag-be Niel
20/11 – flag-be Brandsplas
04/12 – flag-be Boom
27/12 – flag-be Heusden-Zolder
29/12 – flag-be diegem
12/02 – flag-be cool

X²O Bathrooms Trophy

The ranking of the X²O Trophy is based on time, just like in a ranking in a stage race. There are several ways to earn bonus seconds along the way. It should be noted that a maximum of five minutes can be lost. Not starting in a cross also results in a five-minute malus.

Crossed races:

Standings (men)

Standings (women)

Still to drive:
01/11 – flag-be Oudenaarde
27/11 – flag-be Kortrijk
30/12 – flag-be Loenhout
01/01 – flag-be Baal
05/01 – flag-be Herentals
22/01 – flag-be Hamme
06/02 – flag-be Little
13/02 – flag-be Brussels


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