Dawda gives Girona B three points in the addition to the last classified

Dawda, celebrating a goal in a game this season. | GIRONA FC

Twelve points separated Girona B and Castelldefels, the leader and team of the Catalan group of Tercera. It looked like an easy match for Axel Vizuete’s side, but they had to break a stone until the last minute to end up winning thanks to a lone goal from Dawda at the break (1-0).

The white-and-reds came out focused despite the difference in the standings with their rival. Gabri Martínez, who was returning with the subsidiary after alternating with the first team, warned in the first minute with a shot that blocked Romero after a good personal action. The home side worked hard to get through the middle and as a result, had a good chance of getting one back as tried lifting the ball over keeper Àlex Sala. Unfortunately, the ball went just over the bar.

The subsidiary went from strength to strength and from half an hour of play Castelldefels began to step on the opposite field. The clearest opportunity for the Baix Llobregat came through after a loss of Girona in the middle of the field. Gaudioso connected with Eslava, who ran into a safe Jona Morilla under poles. The opportunity put fear in the body of Girona, who soon responded with a shot from Ortiz refused to corner. Zero to zero at the break in Riudarenes.

The locals came out again determined to score a goal. Gené shot softly and in Romero’s hands in the second minute of the second half, but Girona B took a long time to disturb the visitors’ goal again. Vizuete’s team asked for Gallo’s penalty by hand, but the referee did not grant it. Again, the referee was the protagonist, as he invalidated a header from Castroviejo for offside (min. 76). Nerves began to appear in Riudarenes and Vizuete launched the attack with the entry of Dawda and Richmond.

It was precisely the Malian striker who made Romero shine with a shot from the front refused to corner. When it looked like the subsidiary would drop two points, Dawda appeared to finish off a cross on the second post and give the white-and-reds the win on the addition. Three key points to continue leading the group and keep the distance with Peralada, second to two points, and extend it with Olot, third to five.



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