Coufal’s body said a stop. He played for eighteen months without a break, sounds from West Ham

The Czech national team missed Vladimír Coufal in the last qualifying block. The support of the national team and London’s West Ham struggled not only with injuries, but above all with fatigue caused by a long-term demanding program.

The official reason for Coufal’s non-participation in the national team duels was health problems, but he and his club no longer wanted to prolong the intense long-term load, which increasingly attracted the possibility of more serious injuries.

Coufal did not play the European League match against Rapid Vienna due to difficulties last Thursday, but a few days later he wiped out ninety minutes again in the Premier League against Brentford.

Shortly afterwards, the 29-year-old right-back defender apologized for national team duties.

The usually well-informed Claret and Hugh server quoted a secret source directly from the club: “Coufal’s body just said stop, it needed a break. He played without a break for eighteen months. He had been in pain for weeks.”

Since arriving in England at the beginning of October last year, Coufal has been an indispensable member of the basic line-up, having previously had an equally strong position in Prague’s Slavia.

The team coach Jaroslav Šilhavý could not even imagine the team without him, who vehemently included the sharp back in the base even in friendly and less important duels.

Fatigue and minor health ailments began to show in Coufal’s performances, and West Ham now hopes that a two-week break will return him to the best form, which has made him one of the best-rated extreme defenders of the highest English competition.

The Hammers return to the Premier League carousel after a national team break. On Sunday, a tough duel awaits them in Goodison Park against the home team of Everton.



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