Brazil: the CdM controversy, Neymar explains himself

Beginning of October (see here), the Brazilian striker Neymar (29 years old, 115 caps and 70 goals) displayed his weariness with the world of football and spoke of his final participation in the World Cup in 2022. While his words have done a lot talk, the Paris Saint-Germain player explained himself during an interview with Red Bull.

“I said something, but people understood it differently. I said that, yes, this would be my last World Cup and that I wanted to negotiate it in the best way possible. I will give my all to be 100% because it’s like I have a game the next day, I always approach it that way. If there is a game tomorrow, this game for me, it will be like the last of my life. So compared to the upcoming World Cup, I think exactly the same way, like it’s the last for me because I don’t know what can happen tomorrow. Said that, there was controversy, with people starting to say that I wanted to stop playing football and quit the national team. People understood it completely differently. I just wanted to say that I wanted to stop playing football and quit the national team. I had this mentality as if it was my last. Why? Because you can never know how things are going to turn out, “Auriverde insisted.

A rather reassuring point about Neymar’s state of mind.

Read 4.782 times – by Damien Da Silva on 10/26/2021 at 8:41 p.m.


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