Belgians ready for revenge on the French: ‘We are now better armed’ | Football

Martínez thinks his team is in better shape now than three years ago. “I like to believe that we are now stronger. Firstly, because our core has become wider. We absorb injuries or suspensions more easily.”

“Secondly, because we play together longer. As a result, the relationship on the field has improved again. And thirdly, because we have gained more experience at championships such as the European Championship.”

At the 2018 World Cup, the Red Devils lost 1-0 to the French. “But now we are better equipped for such top matches,” said the national coach about the chances of his team. “That was one of the biggest differences with France in the semi-finals at the World Cup. As a finalist of the European Championship in 2016, they did have that necessary experience.”

The match between Belgium and France starts on Thursday at 8.45 pm and will be played in Turin. The winner will play in the final against Spain on Sunday, which ended Italy’s monster series on Wednesday evening.


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