Basketball takes root in Apizaco – El Sol de Tlaxcala

The basketball has taken root in Apizaco so there are more spaces for the practice of this discipline, he pointed Aaron Angel Lozada Hernandez, responsible for the Municipal League.

This Sunday the sports organization held a day of exhibition matches as a preamble to the start of the Fall-Winter tournament, scheduled for this Saturday.

It was in the Deportivo San Martin where men’s and women’s teams they played friendly duels, he said Lozada Hernández, who announced that the league will bring together 40 teams in both branches.

Between the new clubs there is ADR of San Martín Texmelucan, who beat Rising Star of Panotla by a score of 46-33.

The winners is a combination of Puebla-Tlaxcalteca talent with reinforcement of players from other entities.

They highlight Jusseth Huidobro, national team who played the World Cup in Czech Republic in 2013; Sara Solís, champion of the Conade National Games with Puebla; Daysi Rugerio from Chiautempan, graduated from the Universidad de las Américas Puebla and currently a master’s student at the Popular Autonomous University of Puebla (Upaep).

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They also protrude con ADR Frida Macías, selected from Mexico City and Mexican team; Alexia Cuevas from Aguascalientes, who played professionally, and Indra González from Veracruz, former player at the Madero y Aztecas University in Mexico City.

ADR has Esmeralda Sánchez in its ranks Sarmiento, a young man from Panotla, who played for Upaep.

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The Municipal League it will have other competition venues, informed its coordinator. Said “Other courts will be enabled to play, including Santa Rosa, Libertad and Jardines de Apizaco.”

He added that the league will have participation of teams from childhood born in 2006 and 2007 until 52-year-old veterans.

Basketball is a sport with roots in Apizaco, the project includes having representative teams of the municipality, which participate in national events, referred the coordinator of the Municipal League.

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Stressed that integrate children from the elementary, middle and high school levels even free categories.

The league will play on Saturdays and Sundays so the team registration will be this October 13 at the previous meeting, Lozada Hernández emphasized.

  • RECORDS Those interested in playing in this league can request reports at the offices of the Directorate of Physical Culture and Sports inside the “Emilio Sánchez Piedras” sports complex or call 241 1173994.

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