Basket C Silver, Titans at the third hurray: Urbania down (61-56)

It’s three of a kind Titans after a tough, tough and edgy game. With hitting and beating, iron defenses and, icing on the cake, the grand finale of the biancazzurri. From Di Coste’s triple, that of 47-49 outside with 6 ‘from the end, here is the 11-0 that closed the accounts. Signed by the two showmen of the day, Tommaso Gamberini (24 points) and Christopher Dini (19 points). Titano basketball – Urbania 61-56.

Victory conquered with sweat and work and here the primacy in the standings remains the same, with the team with three wins and zero defeats.

THE CHRONICLE. It went great but it didn’t start out all that well. Saponi is forced to forfeit, he cannot play. On the other hand, Imsandt is on fire, Urbania’s first 8 are all his and those who travel are ahead 4-8. The race, however, begins to slip the balance tracks, with the first overtaking and counter-overtaking, including that of Fornaciari, for 12-11 at 10 ‘.

Little is scored because the defenses are there to build impregnable walls to any possession. Who has no difficulty in slapping the retina is Gamberini, who reaches 10 after 13 minutes and is the soul of 21-13 at 15 ‘. Consistent advantage but that Urbania has the merit of reducing possession after possession, especially with Baldassarri (29-26 at the long break).

Returning from the locker rooms there is the guest sprint for the 31-32 but also the San Marino break for the 43-36 of the 28 ‘. Leak? No, because Urbania returns to -3 at the end of the quarter with the return of Imsandt (49-46) and does not abandon the idea of ​​the away shot at all.

The fourth period is definitely two-sided. The Titans suffer, see their opponents approaching and fail to find effective solutions in the first five minutes. Di Coste’s triple is worth overtaking at 6’38 ”from the gong (47-49) and another two minutes pass before he goes back to scoring. Gamberini equalized it from the line at -4’40 ”and it was the start of a 11-0 run that has 7 points in the heart of a stratospheric Dini. The seal is still by Christopher with the dunk of 60-51 at -1’15 “. Ends 61-56, the Titans win.

The match report


TITAN: Gamberini 24, Altavilla, Macina 4, Dini 19, Raschi 3, Togni, Fornaciari 6, Liberti 3, Saponi, Grandi 2, Ricciotti. All .: Porcarelli.

URBANIA: Dziho 4, Baldassarri 11, Pentucci 4, Tancini 1, Nardini 6, Di Coste 9, Imsandt 13, Spain 4, Massani, Prenga 4, Matteucci, Campana. Coach: D’Amato.

Partial: 12-11, 29-26, 45-42


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