Baseball, Claudio Scotti’s American dream. From Fortitudo to NY Mets

He had already been to America when he was fifteen, because talent starts in the morning. But today, and it’s not yet noon in his life, Claudio Scotti, baseball pitcher, returns to fly overseas with very different motivations and hopes. Roman by birth, imposing physique, at 23 he has just signed a contract that will tie him to the New York Mets, the bitter rivals of the Yankees in the Big Apple that in Bologna, where Scotti played flattering with Unipol Fortitudo Bologna, are remembered because the former rossoblù patron, now president of Spal, the lawyer Joe Tacopina, has them in his heart. “Claudio can certainly be considered one of the greatest talents in Italian baseball, due to the power of his arm, in Italian baseball in recent years – says Fabio Betto, from Treviso, great pitcher of the past and now pitching coach of Fortitudo – what I hope for he is that this important baseball adventure can help him complete his growth path. “

Five-year contract

While not coming out of its best season, Italian baseball confirms that it has become an important reference for pro American franchises: the days in which the Italians who managed to crown the American dream – from Alberto Toro Rinaldi to Claudio Liverziani – were authentic white flies. Today there are several players from the Italian school who can say they have made it. Claudio Scotti has signed a contract that binds him to the Mets for the next five years. His thoughts, the day after the signing, went to the past, present and future. It was in America that he was a “kid”, as they say in Rome. “Yes, it was 2016, I had this experience in the Minors of Pittsburgh, it was useful but it’s a whole other thing compared to today”.

“Back to Bologna … but in five years”

In 2021 with Effe, Scotti, a right-handed pitcher, finished with 5 wins and 0 defeats and an average pgl (points earned on the pitcher) of 2.15: an average below 2 is considered exceptional. It has an average speed of 91-92 miles with peaks up to 95. “Fortitudo has given me a lot – he said – working for three years in Bologna I can say that I have completed my growth process, I know I can count on the support of the company. who told me that, once this adventure of mine is completed, he would be happy to hug me again. It is something important, sincerely I hope to be able to enjoy this experience in a total way, that is, that a possible return will be talked about after five years at Mets “. At least, we add.



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