ACCIONA Open de Espaa presented by Madrid: Rafa Cabrera Bello: “I know that good results are just around the corner”




Rafa Cabrera Bello (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 37 years old) was second in the last edition of the Open de Espaa. Now it comes in other circumstances. He has just lost his PGA Tour card, but the canary faces the new situation with great strength and positive energy.

A canary like you I suppose will have an eye on La Palma right now.
Yes, of course. What has happened there is a disgrace and what is happening to the families is sad. They deserve more help than I have so far read they were going to get. We will do something to try to help.
He returns to a field that was phenomenal in the last edition of the Spanish Open.
I am always positive, I come with desire. I myself am aware that the player who came two years ago is not the same. I do not arrive in the same conditions, but that does not mean that things cannot change in any week. I don’t notice that the game is how the results are reflecting it. I know good results are just around the corner, but I am aware of the differences. Anyway, that will not undermine my morale or my desire to compete and fight to try to win.
Have you thought about how you are going to schedule the next few months?
At the moment I’m going to play here and next week in Valderrama, and depending on how they go and see. Next season is going to be a different season. Honestly, I haven’t sat down yet to plan the schedule and study what my chances are to play on the PGA Tour, see how I combine with playing in Europe a little longer, and then see if I have to play some Korn Ferry Tour tournaments. . I am now focused on making the best of these two weeks and getting into the final in Dubi, which is what I have in mind now.
Are you comfortable with your golf even though the results are not coming out?
If I said that I am comfortable I would be lying because I cannot be as comfortable as before, when now the results are not coming out. But a few months ago I felt a little more lost and did not see the light at the end of the tunnel, but now I know that it is there because I know how I am hitting the ball and that now it is listening to me.
Has there been a specific moment or cause that caused the change?
There has not been a specific moment. I’ve worked a lot on trying to get my swing back, on getting comfortable again, and in the end the ball doesn’t cheat. Hitting the ball is one thing and doing little is another. Now I notice that I am giving him better and, although I am not knowing how to do as little as before, that is recovered.
In the PGA Tour, in any case, there is a lot of competition.
Yes, that’s something else, but I know that if I play at my best I shouldn’t be in the situation I’ve been in. I am in the situation I am in because I have not played at my best level. Nothing happens, things just haven’t turned out the way I wanted
They have framed him with Richard Bland in his party, a player who is in the best moment of his career with 48 years.
Yes, I know he had his first victory on the circuit this year, at the British Masters, and he did a great job at the US Open. He is a player who is living a fantastic year when he thought it was going to be the last of his career.
He has told us about goals such as the final in Dubi and recovering his best version but, seeing the Ryder, have he not wanted to be in Rome?
Yes, I want to be. Obviously I want to recover my best version and play as I know I can, because that amuses me more and because I really like to compete and have options to win, and of course, win. All of that makes me happy and there is no reason why it will not arrive.
She just had her second child. Do you have time to surf?
No, I have it abandoned. This year I have surfed a little and the last time I did it was at the beginning of May. During the Christmas break, if I am in the Canary Islands, I hope I can get into the water, although I have to get up very early to be able to escape to catch waves.



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