ACCIONA Open de Espaa presented by Madrid: Jon Rahm in 18 names: this is his opinion of Nadal, Tiger, Jordan, Will Smith, Aduriz …




1. Kepa Rahm

“Obviously, after my wife is the joy of my life. Something that I cannot explain changed in me when he came into the world, but that has given me incalculable joy.”

Michael PhelpsJos A. Garca

2. Michael Phelps

“He is a reference, an idol and a great friend now.”

3. Sergio Garca

“The same answer. He is my idol, a great reference, a very good friend.”

4. Padraig Harrington

“A fighter. I know he wanted to strike for us at Ryder. He was a great captain and the result doesn’t reflect how good he was.”

Rafa Nadal

Rafa Nadal

5. Rafa Nadal

“A great reference and he is also my idol. Possibly the best tennis player in history. I am proud to have been able to meet him and have been able to play with him. I hope I can reach a level close to his in tennis in golf.”

Pau Gasol

Pau GasolRafa couple

6. Pau Gasol

“With Pau I would love to spend some time. Also, I am a big fan of Kobe and how he approached his career. How he put in the maximum possible hours of training and that mentality of not resting until the end. Kobe did not want to say to him. retreat that he could have done more, I admire him for that.

I would like to be with Pau to be able to talk about these stories and also about those things that Pau himself has done in life, that make us look alike. We both started in Spain and then went to the United States and reached a high level. It was sure learning a lot from Kobe was super fun for him. “

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan

7. Michael Jordan

“I don’t know him, but I do know that he likes golf. He is one of the most competitive athletes in history. It is incredible what a person can do on a team and what he can do on a global level. I am proud that he talks about me. He with more than fifty years continues with that competitiveness to be a better golfer and that says a lot about him “.

[Esto dijo Michael Jordan sobre a qu jugador de los presentes en la Ryder Cup se querra parecer: “A Jon Rahm. Tiene un buen swing, me encanta su estilo y adems muestra sus emociones. Adems est jugando muy bien ahora mismo”]

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods

8. Tiger Woods

“Many things come to mind. The best golf that anyone has played has been done by Tiger Woods. I am not going to get into the debate of whether he has been the best or not, but the highest level has been shown by him. I think it is a bit like what I said about Kobe. Tiger has put in many hours and has transcended. It is the proof of what happens when you dedicate one hundred percent to something. For people my age he is a benchmark. “

9. Simone Biles

“In her short career she is already the best in history. She has had a setback now, but she has had the opportunity to show why she is the best. And she can prove it again if she overcomes this. Hopefully she gets out of this and we see her. competing in Paris at the level that she has. “

Aritz Aduriz

Aritz Aduriz

10. Aritz Aduriz

“A great friend, the fox. How great! I would like to ask him how the hell he has played football with so ‘few’ injuries. His hips were touched, but I don’t know how he has managed to be 20 years in football at that level. to know how you have been in such good health for so many years. I hope to see you next week. “

Bruce Springsteen (junto a Steven Van Zandt)

Bruce Springsteen (junto a Steven Van Zandt)

11. Bruce Springsteen

“I had the opportunity to see one of his last Broadway performances. I think it is the best live performance I have ever seen and to see in my life. It was incredible.”

12. Jos Manuel Cortizas

“You are going to make me cry. I admire him a lot. I am not a journalist and I never understand what he was able to do, to change from basketball to golf. I imagine he was traveling with Bilbao Basket in Spain, but starting to go to Atlanta, to following me in a sport that I had no idea about, because it makes me have a lot of respect and admiration for him wherever he is. “

13. Severiano Ballesteros

“I don’t have the hours to talk about Seve. I hope I made him proud this past year and continue his legacy and keep golf growing.”

Will Smith

Will Smith

14. Will Smith

“He was a much bigger fan years ago. He’s a great actor and also a golfer, so I would like to play with him.”

scar InsaustiJuan Echeverra

15. scar Insausti

“Anyone who wants to get into a fronton must have courage. There are good chances of taking a ball that hurts a lot. I wish the shovel, tip basket or hand ball were better known worldwide because it is something very beautiful.”

16. Ryan Holiday

“I’ve read a couple of books. Write about things that are good for an athlete to learn. Talk about the Stoics, Marco Aurelio and how to live life. I have learned lessons, but they are still good for me and not for you. Each one as a person must learn what is best for him. I, for example, don’t stick with putting on a stoic face, never changing my expression. It doesn’t suit me, but there are routines that have seemed to me. fun to learn. “

Phil Mickelson

Phil Mickelson

17. Phil Mickelson

“A great friend and one more reference. And here I put the whole Mickelson family, because Tim [ex entrenador de Jon y hermano de Phil] and his parents have helped me a lot. I am very grateful to them for everything they have done for me. “

18. Alexander of the King

“Making 58 strokes in competition is incredible because of the nerves of knowing that you can make history. He is another golfer who comes from the quarry and is very talented.”



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