A good start for men in AG2R +35 years old – Medialot

The team was on deck this Sunday.

After the Thénégal cup last week, this Sunday opened the AG2R +35 championship in which the Cadurciens play in Regional 2. Interrupted after a few matches in the group stage last year, the competition therefore resumed this morning. TC Cahors lined up a solid and homogeneous team with Jérémy Chedal, Nicolas Toulouzan, Mickaël Martins and Gilles Vila. They welcomed the friendly Caussade team. The first two singles turned to the advantage of Cahors, as did the next. Nicolas Toulouzan, delicately with his back, was forced to retire in the third set. However, this did not deprive the Cadurcians of victory! Note that the club is preparing its annual general meeting to be held on Friday, October 22 at 6.30 p.m. and which will be an opportunity to look back on a very special sporting season, marked of course by the health crisis.

Photo @DR

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