2022 World Cup qualifiers: Manue Neuer (Bayern Munich) back in Germany’s goals

Good news for the Mannschaft. Germany captain Manuel Neuer, injured in the groin and absent on Friday against Romania, will resume his place on Monday in North Macedonia, in qualifying for the 2022 World Cup. “Manu has trained normally and has no problem, I’m sure he will be fine and he can play“, announced Sunday the coach Hansi Flick, who also has all his staff summoned.

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Barcelona goalkeeper Marc-André ter Stegen replaced Neuer for the 2-1 win in Hamburg. Chelsea center-back Antonio Rüdiger did not train on Sunday morning “for security reasons“, said the manager, but will be well available for the match.

North Macedonia are the only team to beat Germany in qualifying, 2-1 in Duisburg in the first leg last season, while Joachim Löw was still manager. “It’s a team that knows how to play football (…) and which has never lost with its new coach.“Blagoja Milevski (three draws, one win), warned Hansi Flick.

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