Why shouldn’t you overreact in week 1? – Extra point

Right here in Extra point, A few weeks ago I wrote to you why we shouldn’t overreact in preseason with the results of our teams, and it seems more than convenient to repeat why we should not do it in Week 1 either.

Although it is a narrative that many of us like to follow, Week 1 is practically (in my opinion) an extension of the preseason: it is the first step of many rookie players, it is the first exercise in the form of the starting team and it is the first time. that new teams are under the pressure of an NFL field.

Right now, surely you hear a lot of people say that the Packers, Titans, Cowboys or Bills are not the teams they promised and that they are in serious trouble; however, we need to remember that, once again, it’s just Week 1.

I think that if there is a “good” week for your team to have a setback, it is precisely this, and there is nothing left to adjust along the way. Even from the defeats we had in week 1, there are two teams that, for me, stand out and gave us a glimpse of the tremendous potential they have to excel not only in the regular season but even in the playoffs: the Dallas Cowboys and the Cleveland Browns.

Both teams went toe for you with those who made it to the last Super Bowl, and were even able to steal their respective games. Week 1 has a clear objective for me: to review how your team is developing, that is, if they have potential during the season or if there are certain areas that will desperately need attention.

During this week 1, regardless of the result of your team, there are only certain questions that you should ask yourself to know if it paints for a good future in this 2021 season:

  • Does my team have potential?
  • Is your strength / weakness something that you can change for the better / for the worse over the course of the campaign?
  • Did the result depend more on the opponent’s mistakes / luck?

Bottom line, if your team lost, it’s time to take it easy: there are still 16 weeks to go (and if not, ask the Bucs from last season). On the contrary, if your team won, you should also take it easy. A win doesn’t mean a ticket to the Super Bowl (if not, ask the 2020 Jaguars).

How did you take your team’s first win or loss this Week 1 of the 2021 NFL Season? We read you in the comments under this article and on our social networks.


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